Home Business What is Business Indemnity Insurance

What is Business Indemnity Insurance

Are you a business holder? And how often do you get to meet your clients? Yes, as a business holder you might get to meet new clients and if you’re okay with your client offerings, ultimately if your meeting goes well, you will lock the deal with them. 

But, with the benefits there also risks associated with it. You need to be very cautious while fulfiling the client needs. A small error may lead to huge loses. Disputes arise when an error encounters in clients work. A client may ask to refund all the amount paid. 

The question is what can you do to compensate for the loss? 

Don’t worry, as the adage every problem has a solution. You have a solution for this too. It is the Business indemnity insurance that can help you compensate for the loss.

So, what is business indemnity insurance?

It is a contract or an agreement made between the parties to compensate for the loss or damage caused by the other party. Indemnity is business insurance which you pay for the negligences. Even though, how hard you work to bring about the best in the work there will be a chance of error. This is the reason why you need to cross-check the work done by your team. Professional indemnity acts as a shield that will help you defend losses.

As security is the mainstay for any business. You should secure your business with the professional indemnity before the losses occur. 

To keep it simple, preferring insurance while purchasing a car or a costly gadget like iPhone to compensate the losses is similar to business indemnity insurance.

Here are the few examples for when you might need an indemnity.

  • When any of your team members accidentally delete the client’s website
  • Architect providing inappropriate building materials 
  • It professional altering the files while installing a software
  • A marketing agency jotting the wrong contact info in the ad
  • Unknowingly posting client’s information online
  • If an accountant uses an outdated tax form which may lead to underpayment
  • A consultant’s advice leading to legal issues and which may cause losses
  • Conveying the wrong information from the marketing professionals
  • Logistics delivering a product to the wrong address
  • When a marketing firm suggests a brand name that has bad meaning in some other language

Next, How does business indemnity work?

An indemnity is a form of insurance that covers the damages or loss. It acts as a shield for the liability of the damages caused. Business indemnity is sometimes referred to as professional indemnity. It is liability insurance embossed for specific professionals.  Unlike any other commercial liabilities, it will render the protection against any damages.

For example, if you have locked the deal with a client and if any of your team members show negligence in performing the client’s tasks and this may lead to the financial loss. Consequently, if your business is secured with the professional indemnity, you can use it to recompense the litigations and any other damage costs imposed by the court.

The amount covered by the insurance depends on the agreements you made with your client and the indemnity costs depend on the percentage of the indemnity claim.

What does a professional indemnity cover?

Professional indemnity policies covers, 

  • Loss of documents through the physical or electronic formats
  • Accidental release of the client’s confidential information
  • When you write something that defames clients reputation
  • Use of copyrighted images or designs
  • Dishonest acts by your team
  • Negligences
  • Violation of privacy policies

Likewise, it also covers

  • Compensations regarding court attendance
  • Carried losses from previous business
  • Claims occurred when you’ve violated certain principles
  • PI provides crisis management services

Who will need a professional indemnity?

Professionals that need business indemnity include,

  • Management and business consultants
  • IT professionals
  • Tech professionals
  • Contract engineers
  • Recruitment agencies and consultants
  • Lawyers
  • Who provide financial and legal services
  • Finance advisors
  • Accountants
  • Brokerages
  • Marketing and advertising

Current policy

You cover a business indemnity only when you have a current policy.  Professional policies are made on the claim- basics. The cover applies to the claims made during the policy period but not after it. If you don’t have a PI when a claim arises, you will not be covered. As PI is a claim based policy where the firms are not covered even though its insurance work is covered.

Look for the following while you choose a business indemnity

  • Check for the experience of insurance provider
  • Look out for the insurance companies that can provide enough insurance in order to remunerate the losses
  • Also, check if an insurance company can provide additional policies to expand your policies

What is retroactive cover?

The retroactive cover is a claim based policy that covers and responds to the claims that are made during the policy period. The claims are independent of the claims. An insurer can fix a limit on how far insurance can cover the errors happened. This is known as the retroactive date. It depends on you whether to cover retroactive in your PI policy. In case of loss occurs before the retroactive date chosen. Then, the claims made will not be covered.

What is the run-off cover?

For instance, if you are in a plan to sell your business or wanted to retire from the business. There is a chance that the person to whom you sold the company may impose a past claim on you. Don’t worry, run-off cover will help you.

Financial professionals advise you to set a run-off cover for six years long. Furthermore, If you aren’t sure about the time period to set, you can definitely seek professional advice.

How much business indemnity you need to cover your business?

Don’t fall into the risk by being underinsured. Make sure you cover your business with by securing it with business indemnity.  Choosing an indemnity depends upon the size of your business, number of clients, and the financial impact of your business.

If you are filled with doubts, seek a finance professional.

Benefits of business indemnity

  • Financial security from laws
  • Increases credibility
  • No conflicts
  • Smooth business functioning
  • Win tenders
  • Diminishes business interpretations
  • Lessened losses


This is all the information you need to know about the business indemnity. Rather than falling into the risk and facing losses. It is better to Have a plan, talk to a professional and shield your business with policies such as business indemnity to insure your business. 

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