Home Business Top 10 Tips to promote your business with YouTube advertising

Top 10 Tips to promote your business with YouTube advertising

Many organizations rely on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn and Twitter to promote their business.

If you think YouTube is used for watching movies? Think again!!!

YouTube is the leading social media platform across the globe. In fact, YouTube is the 2nd largest website. That means you can drive maximum traffic and engagement. Ultimately, you can drive maximum leads to your business.

Why YouTube?

By 2022, 95% of traffic for your website will come from videos. That’s really a huge amount of traffic right. It means you can tap into this amazing strategy to help promote your business.

  • Over 1.8 billion people use YouTube every month
  • YouTube has over 1 billion active users per month
  • This social media platform gets 40 million daily visits
  • 96% percentage of YouTube users are 25-44 years old
  • 62% of YouTube users are males
  • 5 billion videos are been watched and shared every day

Among everything YouTube is not just showing a slow sign, it makes things flexible. People of all age groups, from around the globe, prefer watching all kinds of videos. It includes beauty, fashion, financial, education and more.

Of course, it’s no secret YouTube is one of the best platforms for promoting your products or services. YouTube is the place where your potential customers are. In order to avail immense traffic and leads you to need to follow a perfect YouTube strategy.

Are you planning to promote your business with YouTube? Yes, then you’re on the right track. Stick here!!!

Following are a few essential guidelines to make you stand out from the crowd. Keep your head straight towards flourishing YouTube ad campaign:

Create a YouTube channel

You need to walk before you run!!! Sounds crazy right. That means you should create a YouTube channel before running a campaign. Create an account within 10 minutes.

  • Create your channel
  • Provide required information
  • Create and upload your videos
  • Connect your AdWord account to your YouTube channel
  • Select your bidding strategy
  • Choose your topics, target user interests and search phrases
  • Create your campaign

Hurray!!! You’ve successfully created an outstanding YouTube campaign for brand promotions.

Create quality videos

You spend thousands of dollars just to create a professional video for brand promotion. But the good thing with YouTube marketing videos – they’re affordable. On the other hand, you can use your mobile phone to record promotion videos.

The best advice is ‘copy what works well’. Don’t try to reinvent the wheel again. Basically, the funny and weird videos can become more viral in a short period. Spend an evening watching useful videos and learn what exactly works with you. Watch every video and find out in your niche that has enormous views, likes, comments, subscribers and rating.

While creating a video make sure you’ve good lighting. That means everything you capture will appear clearly on the screen. Apart from lighting, you need to focus on sound. Yes, sound play a major role. If your video has low sound quality, people don’t even pay attention to watch. Maintain a clear tone throughout the video. Also, the length of the video must be 3 to 4 minutes. Usually, even short videos can work even better. Especially short videos have maximum sharing on a social channel.


Keywords play an important role in ranking. When you’re promoting through YouTube then you need to focus on YouTube channel keywords. It means you provide complete details and context about your campaign. Ultimately, these keywords help YouTube to understand your niche of content you create, targeted audience and more. Optimizing channel keywords can increase brand visibility and credibility of your campaign on YouTube.

There are a few keyword tools available online. Keyword Planner, Ubersuggest, Wordtracker, Ahrefs and more. Take help of these keywords and find primary and long-tail keywords.

Keep a track of short, medium and long-tail keywords. Apply them on your YouTube campaign. Include keywords in title, description and tags. Also, you can include these keywords in your website content, social media content, blog post and more.

Include call-to-action

Every day a new marketing technique is been introducing. But there are few strategies that are ruling the marketing world from decades. Call-to-action is one among them. 

If you’re a marketer then you might be familiar with the term ‘call-to-action’. Before CTA’s are used in website content and now they’re used in ad campaigns.

A call-to-action is like an invitation for a potential customer to perform the desired action. Whenever people write an article or video to promote their brand. They will definitely include a CTA button at the end. When you visit a website, you often see a CTA’s on homepage, contact or on the navigation bar.

Following are basic call-to-actions a user can get called to carry out:

  • Sign up
  • Subscribe
  • Try for free
  • Get started
  • Shop now
  • Buy now
  • Learn more
  • Join us

These call-to-action buttons are used in every industry e-commerce, finance, marketing and more.

Use clear and descriptive titles

Will you read a message that contains hard words in it. Definitely No right. Whenever you write content for YouTube campaign use simple and descriptive content.

Of course, the title appears fist whenever a user finds your video. If your title is not punchy, then there is a high chance of been last.

Keep the title short, sweet and clear: The most popular videos on YouTube tend to have short titles. Yes, you heard it right. Maintain consistency while writing the title. Stick to 55 to 60 characters can be effective.

Include primary keyword in title’s first half: Always provide valuable information at the beginning. Because many online readers concentrate only on the beginning of the content and skip the rest.

User engaging does not mean clickbait: Focus on user engagement rather than clicks. The best and eye-catching headline is great. It can create an emotional connection with your users. On the other hand, Clickbait is a little tempting, but implementing it can damage your YouTube channels fame in the long term.

Create custom thumbnails

Many people ignore thumbnails during promoting on YouTube channel. But, the truth is thumbnails really matters. Sometimes important more than your titles. That’s because your brain is hardwired to notice visuals first. It’s a known fact that brain process visuals within 13 milliseconds.

YouTube will automatically produce thumbnails for your videos. But these thumbnails can be pretty blurry. If you want to generate maximum views then create a custom thumbnail for your video when you post.

We recommend these simple “rules of thumb” for best results:

  • Maintain 1280 x 720 px resolution
  • The video format can be .JPG, .GIF, .BMP, or .PNG
  • Limit video size to 2MB
  • Utilize sharp contrast images
  • Add eye-catching text and colours to boost clicks
  • Pick a close-up image
  • Always use a stock photo
  • Be compatible with another branding

Offer real value

This may sound obvious!!! But it’s worth saying.

Creating quality content can be an amazing approach to keep your visitors engaged. Also offering great content is an efficient approach to rank top in the search results. YouTube’s ranking algorithm will prioritize according to the user’s experience.

Before creating a video on YouTube, ask yourself:

  • What is your ultimate goal?
  • Does video solve the problem?
  • Is it funny, entertaining or motivation?
  • Will the video improves your engagement rate?

Create high-quality videos

Though you’ve created an outstanding content, if your video quality is poor then you’re in trouble. Create a quality video to boost traffic and engagement. Always analyse your content before posting it. If the video requires any changes, perform modification and then post it. Prefer a professional video camera and learn fundamental editing skills.

Be active in your niche

Being an active person in the class can make you recognize easily. The same thing applies to YouTube marketing.

YouTube is about analysing and finding your community (niche). As a result, growing your following list day by day. Register or subscribe to related channels and target the audience. Whenever you like their video give a thumbs-up and comment.

Cross-promote your YouTube channel

If you want extra engagement, then you need to work extra to drive traffic for your videos.

Think out of the box!!! Reach out to a targeted audience outside of your YouTube to create community across your channel. Understand and find out multiple approaches to incorporate videos into your website, Facebook, newsletter, blogs and more.

Final Thoughts

YouTube is used by all age groups – kids, adults and old. Kids use to watch rhymes, cartoon. Adult watch beauty, cooking, dance, technology, marketing videos. Old age people listen to news, ethics and more. Everyone has their own purpose to watch the videos. Many businesses are perfect use to promote their products and services to drive leads and conversion. Follow the mentioned tips and promote your business with YouTube advertising. As a result drive maximum visitors, engagement and conversions.

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