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Best 5 Tips to Improve PPC Performance

Is your business is a newborn baby? That’s great. Are you driving expected traffic for your business? Your answer could be NO right. Can understand, it’s a daunting task to survive in today’s competition. Big and small brands are struggling harder to satisfy their customers and to rank top on search engines.

If you want to drive traffic, clicks and sales, then focus on PPC. Yes, you’ve heard it right. Small businesses have gained more benefits from PPC. An optimized PPC campaign can drive immense profit faster than any other marketing strategy. Ultimately, PPC can help to grow your business.

For a newbie, understanding a PPC is pretty difficult. Let’s talk generally, you’re planning to buy an iPhone. Generally, you type the context in Google. In the results, you can get iPhone selling a website, iPhone review sites, etc. On the other hand, you can find iPhone ads running on top, left and bottom. Have you ever noticed it? Many times right. Those ads nothing but PPC.

PPC is an amazing method for reaching your potential audience at the right time and place.

What is PPC?

PPC stands for ‘Pay Per Click’. PPC is used to promote your business over the internet. It has become a popular tool for every business because of simplicity. In simple terms, you run a campaign and you pay when a user clicks on a particular campaign. 

Benefits of PPC

  • Fast results
  • Results are measurable
  • No need to worry about SEO and Google Algorithm updates
  • Reach the targeted audience
  • Brand identification in a short time
  • Budget-friendly
  • An amazing tool to test your other marketing strategies
  • Smart functionality and reporting

There are multiple Pay Per Click platforms are available in the market. But the most commonly used PPC’s are Google Ads and Bing Ads.

Following are marvellous tips to improve your overall PPC performance:

Set your goal

Whether you’re managing a PPC campaign by yourself or hiring a digital marketing agency. Before you get started with PPC campaigns on search engines. Initially set your primary goals what you’re trying to achieve with this PPC.

When you’re learning a course, at the initial step you set a few goals. It could be finishing the course in 30 days and learn the course perfectly. In the same manner, defining campaign objectives can be the foundation of your optimization method. Therefore you need to have a ‘roadmap’ before creating an ad campaign.

It’s also crucial to remember to measure PPC advertising goals. Therefore you can able to distinguish between success and loss.

If you want to drive maximum leads for your business, then ‘Optimization process’ of your PPC ad depends on the objectives and goals you’re trying to achieve. After setting goals in a perfect manner, you can compare your PPC campaign and watch out if you’ve successfully reached to the level or not.

Focus on high-performing keywords

Keyword research is an important phase in SEO. Performing can help you to discover what’s essential to your potential audience. keyword research  During keyword research, you could’ve come across primary, secondary and negative keywords. You differentiate the keyword with respect to the search volume and bidding.

Benefits of keyword analysis

  • An engaged audience
  • Increased conversion
  • Marketing trend insight
  • Prioritize your time properly
  • Expand your short and long-tail effort
  • Place the keyword in the right place

You get doubtful in between all the keywords, feel like every keyword is important. This is where you’re going on the wrong track. If you want an optimized PPC, then check the performance of every keyword. Accordingly, add high performing keywords in your PPC campaign. Since these keywords will definitely bring maximum traffic and quality leads.

Pause Low performing keywords

You’ve gathered a group of keywords for your campaign. You might believe that every keyword works perfectly. The truth is, not all keyword you attempt to target in your campaign will work. Don’t get panic, PPC offers feedback in the form of data points. This can help you to identify poor performing keywords. Therefore you can take swift action at initial stages.

Analyze the keyword that you’re planning to pause. Take a note about the issues, this may help you for future references.

Reasons for poor performance

  1. Low bid
  2. Less search volume
  3. The match type may be prohibitory

Best Time to Run PPC Ad

The ultimate goal of marketing is to reach the right offer to the right audience at the right time. This statement is simple and many entrepreneurs are concentrating on this motto.

You could’ve already designed a product that meets your client’s requirements. These are the right clients, no matter they might be existing or potential customers. Your product should make your clients happy. One of the best things about PPC campaign is that you’ve precise information. As per reports, the volume of clicks will be most from 5 AM to 8 PM. Therefore you can know the best time to make your campaign live on search engines.

Keep tabs on conversion vs. sales

Hurray!!! You’re all set with an updated version of PPC with amazing tactics. At present, your campaign is expected to drive maximum conversion and make tons of money

But have you ever take note on components that are actually making you money?

  • High performing
  • Audience
  • Placements
  • Perfect time and location

These can be few components of your PPC to track. Many marketers fail to track essential points. No issues, you’re job has made even more easy with ‘Google’s Value Track Parameters’. This tool can automatically track every information within URLs whenever a visitor gets convert.

Improve your PPC landing page user experience

It’s no secret that landing page plays a key role in PPC. The average marketers don’t have enough knowledge to design and create a powerful landing page. There are development software’s available such as Unbounce, these tools can build quality landing pages for you.

Tips to optimize your PPC landing pages:

  • Focus on speed
  • Mobile-first design
  • Optimize for your customers, not for conversions
  • Be a minimalist
  • Personalize with purpose
  • Test everything

Optimize your landing page for your business, Google and conversion rate.

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