Home Business Why choose PHP web development for business IT solutions?

Why choose PHP web development for business IT solutions?

PHP – Hypertext Preprocessor

PHP is defined as a server-side scripting language. This is specifically used to design static or dynamic websites. PHP instructions can be translated on a server that has ‘PHP’ connected.

What you should already know?

Before you get started with PHP you need to have a clear understanding about

  1. HTML – HyperText Markup Language
  2. CSS – Cascading Style Sheets
  3. JavaScript

What is meant by scripting language?

A script is a collection of programming statements that are interpreted during runtime. These scripts can be embedded into HTML language. Sometimes it can be used in combination with templates, content management system or frameworks.

The basic functionality of scripting is to improve the overall performance. Additionally PHP is used to perform a routine task for a web application.

Server-side commands are interpreted only on the server whereas client scrips are interpreted by a client application. Therefore PHP is a server-side scripting language that is usually interpreted on the webserver. JavaScript is the perfect example of a client script, it is interpreted by the client web browser.

Both PHP and JavaScript can be set into HTML web pages.

What is PHP syntax?


echo ‘Hello World’;


  • PHP file contains HTML code, CSS, text and JavaScript.
  • A PHP file can be saved with an extension “filename.php”.

Advantages of PHP

  • PHP runs on different platforms such as Windows, Linux and Mac.
  • It can be easily compatible with every server like Apache, Eclipse, IIS, etc.
  • This scripting language supports an extensive range of databases.
  • PHP is open-source software.
  • The coding can be easily understandable and runs effectively on a server.

If you’re a web designer, then you could’ve known the true importance of PHP language. Everyone supports PHP due to its outstanding features in web development. PHP is an open-source and an amazing community. Generally, it is eventually upgrading and the performance is getting amazing with every upgraded version.

From travel website e-commerce solutions, from startup to big brands, PHP is sole as the scripting language for IT projects for many practical reasons.

PHP – Open-source software

The favourable thing that wins every developers heart for PHP is – available for free. Open-source software is basically designed for the public to collaborate and available free. If you want to execute a PHP file, you don’t require any software to download or licence code. PHP is an ‘open-source’ and it is widely distributed under public license without any restrictions.

You gain complete freedom, you can edit or alter the framework of PHP. Because it develops with MIT licence. PHP is particularly suited for developing web application and can easily embed into HTML and CSS code. These are few facts that make PHP as an open-source language.

Web development in PHP is less time-consuming

Do you know PHP is a partly ‘object-oriented programming’ language? Yes. It supports reusability of code, the routine task can be executed frequently by reusing same code. Therefore reusing PHP component can save both time and effort while developing an application.

There is a wide range of PHP frameworks available in the market such as WordPress, Symfony, Joomla and more. Every framework holds individual functionalities that offer an easy and secure way of development in a particular field. PHP is deliberately optimized for making small and large application quickly.

PHP has in-built functions such as GET and POST. These functionalities can reduce the burden for a developer. For every business, time is equal to money. Thus time spends on the web development can decrease gradually. As a result, a product designed on PHP can start bringing huge ROI earlier.

PHP is flexible

Being an encrypted programming language that is highly secure with a rich set of features, PHP programmed products, offers outstanding flexibility when compared to other programming languages.

The flexible feature in PHP can greatly be customized to meet the needs and requirements of web development. Additionally, an open-source programming language such as PHP can effectively be used to write code and integrate with various libraries and framework to add special effect for a web application. PHP can effectively incorporate with other static and dynamic libraries as graphics.

If you’re thinking about measuring its aspects in terms of ‘scalability’ and ‘compatibility’, PHP stands as the best technology. As the scripts written in PHP can be deployed on any web server like Apache, Microsoft IIS and more.

Accessible to various content management systems

PHP can be accessible to every content management system programs. PHP software can assist your web designer to meet clients requirements. The ultimate goal of every project is to deliver a first-class user experience. The PHP developed web application can be highly personalized in every aspect. Since content management systems such as WordPress and Joomla replay on PHP framework.

If you want a responsive and best in class premium themes, then switch to D5 creation. This is an award-winning theme provided in WordPress. These themes can effectively adjust to every visual device.

Easily scalable and well-documented

How do you develop a big project? Business often get succeed when they develop an IT project in terms of iterations. They launch different modules of software progressively. On the other hand, the web development team will work on modification and development. With PHP, developing a product or service is easy since PHP supports scalable IT services and projects.

PHP scripting language is characterized by transparency and well documentation. Therefore a user spends less time reviewing the code. With structured documentation, one can easily understand the process. Additionally, you can effectively organize iterative development with low risk in the case when you need to change a section of programming.

PHP software is easily maintained and updated

A code that is easily understandable can be accepted by everyone. It is very important that a set of commands you write should be easy and simple. Because you need not work on the same commands again. Always write a code that is easy identification for you when you work on it later. Make sure you set of commands are well-structured and easily maintainable.

  • Comment on important action
  • Avoid unwanted conditional statements (IF Else)
  • Code indentation
  • Avoid unnecessary HTML tags
  • Use array and object[class]
  • Implement case switches

PHP code or commands can be modified due to easy syntax. It means you don’t need to take a risk for while developing and maintaining PHP-based projects or services.

Amazing PHP website can retain your customers

Will you stay on a website that takes so much time to load? Obviously no right. Whenever you develop a website keep an eye on the loading time. Many businesses don’t focus on their website loading time, but here where they’re losing customers. Fast website loading is important for customer retaining. As per research, a person attention span can be 8 seconds, if you’re website cannot load in that 8 seconds. As a result, the person will leave your website and never visit again.

PHP ensures an effective loading time of a website due to its quick data processing, customization potential and seamless integration with different CMS.

In a nutshell

The growth of PHP scripting and frameworks from decads has been remarkable. Also, its demand in the organization is growing high day by day. The foremost business features of PHP include open source, scalability, compatibility, understandable, and user-experience. Solely in blending with other technologies. PHP can be suitable for developing IT products or services. PHP scripting language can be feasible for small websites to medium-scale CRM solutions and large entrepreneurs.

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