Home Business How to Use Instagram Hashtags for Business: A Strategy for Visibility

How to Use Instagram Hashtags for Business: A Strategy for Visibility

The world is digitalized. Whether you’re a student or an entrepreneur, everybody is bounded towards digital apps. If you’re a student, then you probably use Facebook, WhatsApp, Twitter and more to get connected with your dear ones. An entrepreneur uses social media channel to interact with the clients, customers or team. Every aspect of an organization from developing to testing is using digital tools. On the other hand, businesses are utilizing every platform to communicate with their audience. In order to survive in this huge competition and also drive revenue.

But here the question is “How can you increase brand visibility?” Instagram is the answer for you. It is a leading social media channel that helps a business to connect with their audience directly. As per reports, 80% of leading brands are using this platform for marketing their products and services.

Since it’s inception, from past few years Instagram has proven to be an effective marketing platform for an organization looking to expand their presence. Also, to promote their products or services to a targeted audience. If your business is not on Instagram, then you’re probably wasting your time and money.

Just imagine spending 7 hours per week to drive maximum traffic and conversion without spending money. You’re eager to know the secret right. As per the recent analysis, over 95% of markers stated that Instagram is generating more exposure for the business.

  • Increased brand awareness
  • High inbound traffic
  • Advanced search engine rankings
  • Maximum conversion rates
  • Better customer satisfaction and improve your brand loyalty
  • Brand authority gets increased
  • Gain marketplace analysis and insights

You’re browsing the newsfeed on Instagram. You came across attractive images, video, gif and more. Have you noticed anything new? Hashtags. Yes, every post consists of a hashtag that describes the particular post.

What is a hashtag?

A hashtag is a keyword that is founded at the end of a post with “#” symbol before the word. These hashtags can be added to a text, image, audio or video updates.

The general hashtags could be

  • #photooftheday
  • #instagood
  • #love
  • #nofilter
  • #instapic
  • #selfie

When you’re adding the hashtag on your Instagram post, make sure you add a relevant hashtag to your content. Because using irrelevant hashtags is denoted as a form of spam. Always keep your hashtags small and simple,

If you’re running a food business, use hashtags such as

  • #food
  • #foodlove
  • #instafood
  • #foodie
  • #healthyfood
  • #photooftheday 
  • #restaurant

The hashtag is a crucial aspect to digital interaction. It allows the audience across multiple social platforms brought together under the same idea.

  • Hashtags in your post can help to 
  • Categorize
  • Increase engagement and attract an audience
  • Strengthen your brand image
  • Help to reach a target audience

Instagram generates over 98 million posts every day. As a result, this platform incorporates ‘hashtag’ process into effectively deliver the right content to the right audience.

89% of businesses use eight or fewer hashtags in their post. However, the business has no idea about ‘how many hashtags must be used’ until each hashtag is tested. While undergoing research on the best hashtag for your business, visit Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter. At these platforms, you can find relevant hashtag. Whenever you type a hashtag in a search bar, you can observe certain hashtags are auto-generated.

Use hashtags with Brand campaigns

Whenever you create an Instagram account, create a hashtag of your own. That hashtag must represent your brand. Therefore following your personal hashtag can find anyone who is interested in your brand.

It’s imperative to think in a creative way while creating a unique brand hashtag for your business. Avoid phrases that are commonly used on Instagram. Stick with a word that can effectively get associated with your business.

Create an effective brand hashtag for your business. Hence it can be helpful for promoting your products, services or upcoming event.

The hashtag!!! It has commonly become popular among social media channels. Nowadays, it’s rare to find a post without a hashtag, especially on Facebook and Instagram. As hashtag grew your brand popularity.

Creating a hashtag is as simple as eating ice cream. Using the hashtag in a proper way is an effective part of digital marketing.

You can follow & engage with your favourite hashtags in order to stay updated.


You’re not alone. There might be hundreds of websites who are offering similar products. You can’t just go with the flow by posting images on Instagram. At the initial stage, figure out your competitors. Understand how they’re advertising their products or services. Therefore you’ll get an idea about how to promote your brand more effective than your competitors.  

Branding and visibility

By creating visibility for your product will enhance your business success. To gain more visibility on Instagram, concentrate more on your hashtags. If you’re running a new business then make the great use of hashtags and increase brand awareness. Whenever a user searches your brand, they can observe other relevant hashtags on your post. When they get impressed with your hashtag, they start following your page. Ultimately you’ve gained a new follower.

Don’t forget to include your brand hashtag while posting on Instagram. By continuously including your brand hashtag in every post will help improve your visibility. On the other hand, it will help potential audience begin to connect your business with that specific hashtag, further building your brand.

Creating an effective hashtag strategy

What could the basic idea of a social channel? It’s to get connect with a potential audience. Considering Instagram, you can connect with a group of audience can be done by using hashtags.

Building a brand hashtag may take some time and effort. But with this effective strategy, you can drive new traffic, followers and leads through Instagram.

When you’re posting on Instagram, you can include a maximum of 30 hashtags. In order to build an effective hashtag for your brand, then you must include hashtags from 4 categories. Here every category includes a new level of optimization. With high optimization, your performance and reach get increased.

  • 5-7 popular hashtags – #love #instadaily #followme
  • 5-7 moderately popular hashtags – #photooftheday #instadaily #motivation
  • 3-5 niche-specific hashtags – #food #fashion #travel #fitness
  • 1-3 branded hashtags: Take inspiration from big brands and create an effective hashtag that resembles your brand.

Example: #ShareACoke by Coca-Cola


Hashtags play a leading role to increase ‘social media engagement’ with existing and new users. An effective hashtag is defined as a label used phrase or word on Instagram posts. These hashtag aid to categorize together specific content on appropriate topics. Many businesses are building their own hashtag to attract customers and improve their online presence.

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